Stranded, bring to an island with P
- Phone
- Pants
- Paper
- Pizza
- Pen
- Pillow
- Pencil
- Plane
- Pot
- pocket knife
- Pineapple
- Popcorn
- parachute
- people
- Pet
- Hirdetés
- Purse
- Pistol
- Pie
- pan
- Paddle
- Pills
- Puppy
- Pork
- Pasta
- Potatoes
- potato
- Plate
- Peanuts
- Pole
- Pop
- Parrot
- person
- Pringles
- Pots
- Pliers
- Pears
- Pets
- Pig
- Pickaxe
- Pipe
- Poncho
- Pancakes
- Pineapples
- pajamas
- Pepper
- paint
- Pony
- Pictures
- Pepsi
- Pear
- Peaches
- Plants
- Picnic
- Pickles
- Parasol
- pail
- Partner
- Pens
- Parents
- Penknife
- Hirdetés
- pen knife
- portable charger
- Pepper spray
- Parka
- Pigs
- Peas
- Pots and pans
- Pen and paper
- Panty
- Papaya
- Pencils
- Pirate
- Potty
- Potato chips
- Playing cards
- Perfume
- plates
- Puzzle
- Pirate ship
- Piano
- Pals
- Pies
- Puppies
- peanut butter
- Provisions
- Plastic
- Pee
- Paper towels
- Pint
- peach
- Protection
- power
- Purifier
- pair of shoes
- Plywood
- Pick axe
- pillows
- plum
- Pretzels
- panda
A Stranded, bring to an island with P listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.