Stranded, bring to an island with F
- Food
- Fire
- Fish
- Fork
- Fan
- Friend
- Flashlight
- Fruit
- friends
- Family
- Football
- Fishing pole
- Fire starter
- French fries
- Flip flops
- Hirdetés
- Flare
- Flag
- Flare gun
- Fries
- Flowers
- Fresh water
- Fruits
- flippers
- flint
- first aid kit
- Fun
- Fireworks
- Frying pan
- Flares
- Float
- firewood
- forks
- Fuel
- ferry
- Fishing Rod
- Frisbee
- Flask
- Flint and steel
- fried chicken
- Floss
- Figs
- fishing net
- Fire wood
- Fire lighter
- flower
- Fiddle
- Firearm
- Face cream
- Fishing line
- furniture
- Fudge
- Flamethrower
- Fun games
- Flour
- Funnel
- Frog
- Fish net
- Fins
- Flip phone
- Film
- Hirdetés
- flame thrower
- Falcon
- fanny pack
- Fishnet
- Fear
- fox
- flash light
- Freezer
- Flags
- footwear
- faith
- first aid
- films
- Fart
- Firelighters
- Father
- fleece
- Fans
- fresh fruit
- Fingers
- Frankfurters
- flame
- Ferrari
- fur coat
- Feather
- Futon
- Fidget spinner
- Fish fingers
- Finland
- Fishing gear
- Firelighter
- Fire starting kit
- Frogs
- floaty
- Fat
- Frank
- fishing boat
- Fiji
- Feet
- Fresh food
A Stranded, bring to an island with F listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.