Appliance with C
- Can opener
- Cooler
- Coffee maker
- Coffee Maker
- coffee machine
- Ceiling fan
- Computer
- crock pot
- Chopper
- Clock
- convection oven
- Cutter
- Counter
- curling iron
- cooking stove
- Hirdetés
- clothes dryer
- coffee pot
- charger
- coffeemaker
- Camera
- Chiller
- Cook top
- cutting board
- cooking pan
- Curler
- Cable
- Crock Pot
- Carpet cleaner
- Cabinet
- Cooking pot
- Can
- cart
- Coffeemaker
- Cuisinart
- Coffee Grinder
- Cake maker
- Chest freezer
- crane
- Cleaner
- cake mixer
- CD player
- Chimney
- Cutlery
- conventional oven
- Cook
- Crisper
- clothes washer
- corkscrew
- Car charger
- Creamer
- Crimper
- Conditioner
- Controller
- compactor
- Carpet
- cooking spoon
- Cook stove
- Cork screw
- Carrot peeler
- Hirdetés
- cord
- Crusher
- Countertop
- cash register
- Cap
- Copier
- corn
- cars
- Cork
- Cafetera
- Cookbook
- colander
- Cupboard
- Carver
- Car radio
- Cast iron skillet
- Cookie Cutter
- Crate
- Carrot
- cat
- Crayon
- corn maker
- cooking range
A Appliance with C listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.