Pokemon with S
- Squirtle
- Snorlax
- Sandshrew
- Sylveon
- Sableye
- Seviper
- Scyther
- Snivy
- Salamence
- Slowpoke
- Staryu
- Sandslash
- Starmie
- Salamance
- Sandile
- Hirdetés
- Suicune
- Seel
- Scizor
- Salandit
- Sceptile
- Serperior
- Salazzle
- Spearow
- Seadra
- Slowbro
- Seaking
- Sawk
- Serviper
- Starly
- Solgaleo
- Syther
- Squirtel
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Solrock
- Shaymin
- Sharpedo
- silveon
- Staraptor
- Squrtle
- Skitty
- Steelix
- Spheal
- Shinx
- Skarmory
- Slugma
- Spinarak
- Seal
- salameche
- Sudowoodo
- Servine
- Squirtal
- Shellder
- Samurott
- Sneasel
- Sentret
- Spinda
- Sylvion
- slaking
- Shiggy
- Hirdetés
- Sandaconda
- Spoink
- Schiggy
- silvion
- Staravia
- sunkern
- Scraggy
- Silvally
- Starme
- Silicobra
- Sviper
- Snorelax
- Squartle
- Swinub
- Sandy
- silcoon
- shelgon
- Scolipede
- Staru
- Shellos
- Seedot
- Starmy
- Shuckle
- Slowking
- Snover
- smeargle
- Swablu
- Stunfisk
- Snom
- Simsala
- Slakoth
- Swellow
- Starmi
- snorunt
- Scatterbug
- Sawsbuck
- Scizzor
- sparrow
- shedinja
- Stunky
A Pokemon with S listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.