Sports Equipment with H
- hockey stick
- hockey puck
- Handball
- Hoop
- handball
- hula hoop
- Horse
- hockey
- Hand ball
- Headgear
- Harness
- Hurdle
- head gear
- Hurdles
- heavy weights
- Hirdetés
- Hats
- Hand gloves
- horseshoe
- Hockey sticks
- hoops
- Hockey ball
- Hockey mask
- hockey net
- Handball ball
- Headband
- headband
- Handle
- Handlebar
- Hockey bat
- hand sack
- hockey helmet
- Hand glove
- Hiking boots
- Hook
- Harpoon
- Halter
- Hatchet
- handle bar
- hair tie
- Hairnet
- Hockey gloves
- hockey skates
- Holster
- Handlebars
- head band
- hiking shoes
- Horse shoe
- hockey gear
- hard hat
- head
- Head band
- Hand weights
- home plate
- Heart
- holder
- hokey stick
- head guard
- High jump mat
- Hall
- High jump
- hand guard
- half pipe
- Handle bars
- Horse Saddle
- hamper
- hello
- hack
- Hokejka
- Hockey put
- hoes
A Sports Equipment with H listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.