Disney Character with B
- Bambi
- belle
- Bella
- Bruno
- Buzz Lightyear
- Baymax
- Boo
- bell
- Bolt
- Bonnie
- Bashful
- bob
- Buzz
- Ben
- barbie
- Hirdetés
- Balu
- Bing Bong
- Bluey
- Bunny
- Black widow
- Bianca
- Black panther
- Bambie
- Boba fett
- Buck
- Buzz light year
- Beauty and the beast
- Bagheera
- Bruce
- Bo peep
- Brother Bear
- Bruce Banner
- Benny
- Baby Yoda
- Bill
- Bucky
- Bailey
- Bart
- brutus
- balloo
- balto
- Benji
- blue
- Barny
- Boss baby
- Bobby
- Bruno Madrigal
- Bestia
- bucky barnes
- Buddy
- Bonny
- Bob Parr
- Bernard
- Big Hero 6
- betty
- Buford
- Baboo
- Basil
- bamax
- Big Bad Wolf
- Hirdetés
- ball
- Bat
- ben solo
- Bullseye
- Bageera
- buzzlightyear
- Beatrice
- bobba fett
- Bam
- Britney
- Bingbong
- Bilbo
- Bean
- Benjamin
- Becky
- briar rose
- BB8
- boris
- Balu the bear
- Bel
- Ballerina
- Bambe
- Beth
- bambee
- Bertram
- brain
- Brandon
- Brer Rabbit
- Brooke
- Bella durmiente
- Boobs
- Barbi
- Ballu
- Baljeet
- Brock
- Bamboo
- Brandy
- blanca nieves
- Black Beauty
- Bao
A Disney Character with B listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.