School Subjects with A
- Art
- Algebra
- Anatomy
- Astronomy
- Anthropology
- Arts
- American History
- Astrology
- Arabic
- Accounting
- Architecture
- Acting
- Athletics
- Astrophysics
- ancient history
- Hirdetés
- Art history
- Arte
- Afrikaans
- Archery
- Archaeology
- advanced math
- agriculture
- Accounts
- American Studies
- a math
- AP history
- Australian History
- Animation
- Aeronautics
- Acrobatics
- Anthology
- Addition
- Avid
- AP English
- ap calculus
- applied physics
- Advanced Algebra
- angielski
- Algebra 2
- Aerospace engineering
- Albanian
- Abacus
- animal science
- African Studies
- Additional Mathematics
- American
- Art and craft
- Add maths
- Advanced maths
- Ancient Greek
- American English
- American Literature
- artes
- applied math
- Algorithms
- AP math
- ant
- AP chemistry
- Additional maths
- Hirdetés
- American Sign Language
- accountancy
- AP Bio
- Art and Design
- Aerospace
- Asian studies
- Architect
- aerobics
- Advanced English
- African
- Applied mathematics
- Aviation
- Astronomia
- American Lit
- aboriginal studies
- A maths
- applied arts
- Advisory
- Agricultural
- Algorithm
- Austrian
- advanced functions
- anger management
- all
- Additional math
- A pen
- alphabets
- Advertising
- Agricultural science
- artist
- Asian history
- AP Calc
- Assamese
- African history
- anything
- Athletic
- AP Biology
- Anatomy and physiology
- Adjectives
- Acrobats
A School Subjects with A listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.