Harry Potter with N
- Nagini
- Nearly Headless Nick
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Newt
- Norbert
- Narcissa
- Narcissa Malfoy
- Niffler
- Nymphadora
- Nox
- Nimbus
- Nevile
- Nicholas Flamel
- Nargles
- Nimbus 2001
- Hirdetés
- Nick
- Nigini
- Nicolas Flamel
- Newt scamander
- Nine and three quarters
- Nicholas
- Nimphadora
- Neville long bottom
- Nott
- Norwegian Ridgeback
- Norris
- nellie
- Nagiri
- Newts
- Nevelle
- Nerd
- Noah
- nelson
- name
- Nevle
- nevell
- Novel
- Nocturn Alley
- nerds
- Nyphadora Tonks
- Nightbus
- N.E.W.T.S
- Narcissus Malfoy
- nymphodora
- Nymphodora Tonks
- Nathan
- north tower
- nifler
- Nott Sr
- Nyphadora
- Nicolas
- Nimfadora
- negini
- Nevill longbottom
- necromancy
- nest
- Nargals
- nifflers
- nate
- norman
- Hirdetés
- Nicholas Flammel
- nevil long bottom
- night owls
- Night owl
- Night bus
- Nightshade
- Narcissus
- North
- Nora
- Norbert the Dragon
- Nimphadora Tonks
- Neuville
- Nevelle Longbottom
- numbers
- Necklace
- Neville Longbotton
- Nymph
- napkin
- Not Harry
- Nimbus 200
- narry
A Harry Potter with N listán szereplő szavak a Ország Város szójáték játékosaitól származnak.